Company XYZ is in the transportation and logistics business. As part of their rapid nationwide expansion, the company needs to be able to recruit in a targeted geographical location. These applicants have to pass through a multi-step process involving screening, meetings, background checks and the like. This is complicated further by other dependencies as to whether the individual is a corporation, and/or whether they will have their own subcontractors as well.

Managing this process using faxes, emails, spreadsheets, and multiple staffers is an extremely daunting process, fraught with errors and overwhelming with volume.

The simple question “How is recruitment going?” could not be answered quickly.

DVG created a web-based, stepwise applicant portal which hiring managers could post specific links. These links, posted to craigslist and the like, would uniquely identify the geographical location that the recruitment was taking place in. The stepwise interview would start with a very high level overview to quickly weed out unqualified applicants. When the first step was complete, the workflow would notify the hiring manager that they had pending applications in their queue. The initial screen would then be completed via the portal, and if the hiring manager wanted to proceed, then another link would be sent to the applicant, allowing them to resume with the next level of application.

At each step in the process, team members would be alerted as to the differing queue levels. The portal would allow upper management to quickly get a sense of “how things are going”, and watch the applications as they are marshaled through the various points of qualification. Because the workflows and queues are visible to all team members, it is very easy to determine if there are any bottlenecks. Likewise, it is easy for other team members to resolve the question of “what is up with application ABC?” by themselves.

Much testing was done across differing devices, as most applicants were completing the applications via smartphones and the like.

This solution used a series of .NET forms tied to a back-end SQL database. The site is served over SSL, and all data is encrypted in an SQL database on another secure server, due to privacy concerns. No actual data is stored on the web server itself. (.NET, SQL server, jQuery, Bootstrap, javascript)

Projects of Interest